CSIN Events
Upcoming Events
CSIN D.C. Fly-In
April 28 - May 1, 2024 - Washington D.C.
Building on the success of its first D.C. Fly-In, the CSIN Steering Committee and Policy Advisors are gearing up for the second round of crucial policy discussions back in Washington D.C.! Their mission is to champion policies and opportunities that address the unique needs and challenges faced by island communities across the country. Through meetings with federal agencies, Members of Congress, and their staff, they'll be advocating for solutions that empower island communities to thrive. The D.C. Fly-In is an opportunity for island leaders to directly voice their needs to their representatives and bring about positive change.
Past Events
15th University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability
April 8-13, 2024 - Guam
The 2024 University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability (CSIN2024) was a premier gathering of island leaders, scientists, policymakers, and community members committed to building a more sustainable future for island communities. CIS2024 explored a wide range of topics related to island sustainability, including climate change adaptation, renewable energy solutions, waste management strategies, and community resilience. The theme of the conference was “Sustainability Endures” and showcased panels, featured speakers and presentations made by researchers, community advocates, students and stakeholders from all over the world. Visit uog.edu/cis2024 for more information!
CSIN National Islands Policy Webinar
February 1, 2024 - Virtual
Going into the second session of the 118th Congress, CSIN’s Policy consultants, High Street Strategies, reviewed the Network’s 2024 policy priorities, discussed opportunities for members to engage in advocacy efforts, and broke down the legislative calendar and the outlook for success. CSIN continues to advance policies in the 7 Key Issue Areas of the National Islands Policy Framework - Clean Energy, Watershed Planning, Food Security, Disaster Preparedness, Marine Economy, Waste Management, and Transportation. Watch the full webinar video recording here.
Climate Week NYC 2023
September 17-24, 2023 - New York
Climate Week NYC 2023 took place in September 2023, and brought together global leaders, businesses, and civil society organizations from around the world to discuss and take action on climate change. The theme of Climate Week NYC 2023 was "We Can. We Will." This theme reflected the determination, focus, and hopeful promise for action that was evident throughout the week. CSIN Members and Partners were in attendance and participated in the events of Climate Week NYC.
CSIN Federal Funding Webinar
July 6, 2023 - Virtual
The Climate Strong Islands Network presents our next free webinar, “Development 101: Navigating the Federal Grant Process,” during which Jason Donofrio, CSIN Steering Committee member and The Ocean Foundation's Chief Development Officer, will guide attendees through the intricacies of the federal fundraising landscape. The webinar seeks to demystify the process to prepare for, apply to, and meet the requirements for federal grants, and Mr. Donofrio will provide practical resources and information on where these opportunities exist and what to anticipate if your organization receives federal funding.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/development-101-navigating-the-federal-grant-process-tickets-663816993497?aff=oddtdtcreator
Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2023: "Ocean x Climate"
June 6-8, 2023 - Washington D.C. and Virtual
Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2023: "Ocean x Climate" underscored the relationship between climate change and the world's ocean, addressing the importance of understanding how climate change is negatively impacting the health of ocean ecosystems and the coastal communities that rely on them. Participants joined in-person in Washington D.C., including members from CSIN, while others joined virtually. Click here for more information on the event.
CSIN National Policy Update Webinar
June 1, 2023 - Virtual
The Climate Strong Island Network National Policy Update Webinar took place virtually on June 1, 2023 from 4:00- 5:00 pm ET, where the CSIN Policy Team and High Street Strategies shared updates on CSIN's ongoing policy efforts. This virtual briefing and discussion was held to help inform and improve policies that support island needs and provide resources to local communities. Watch the Full Recording here.
Climate Strong Islands Network Fall 2022 Gathering
October 11, 2022 - Virtual
The Climate Strong Island Network Fall 2022 Gathering took place virtually on October 11, 2022 from 6:00- 7:30 pm ET.
CSIN members and allies gathered virtually and received updates on the CSIN National Policy Framework implementation progress with federal lawmakers, a partner update from Estuario - San Juan Bay Estuary Program, Puerto Rico, and what to expect from CSIN in 2023, and how to get involved! Watch the Full Video here.
Climate Week NYC 2022
September 19-25, 2022 - New York
Climate Week NYC 2022, marks its fourteenth year as the biggest global climate event of its kind. Bringing together the most influential leaders in climate action from business, government, and the climate community, in conjunction with the United Nations General Assembly and the City of New York. Climate Week NYC creates an ambitious platform for our mission to drive climate action, fast. CSIN was glad to connect with partners and make new connections at Climate Week in New York.
Florida’s Resilient Islands
July 27, 2022 - Virtual
CSIN joined this virtual learning opportunity hosted by Environmental Defense Fund that brought together island communities, local organizations, and Florida’s Chief Resilience Officer, Dr. Wes Brooks, to discuss their unique perspectives, concerns, and climate resilience needs.
2022 UN Ocean Conference
June 27-July 1, 2022 - Lisbon, Portugal
The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, came at a critical time as the world is seeking to address many of the deep-rooted problems of our societies laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic and which requires major structural transformations and common shared solutions that are anchored in the SDGs. To mobilize action, the Conference was seeking to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action. For more information, visit the 2022 UN Ocean Conference website.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) “Sea: The Future”
June 7-9, 2022 - Washington D.C.
The decisions that governments, businesses, and communities make today will have long-term impacts on the health of our blue planet. Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) took place in Washington, DC and virtually from June 7 – 9, 2022, themed “Sea: The Future,” to celebrate the 50 years of progress achieved and to set a course for the new policies and actions necessary to sustain our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes and transform our future. CSIN Steering Committee Members presented at CHOW & our policy team was in attendance to discuss the National Policy Framework and the CSIN Declaration.
Virtual Briefing to the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources
May 23, 2022 - Virtual
The Climate Strong Islands Network policy team and steering committee members presented a virtual briefing on the National Policy Framework to the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources. Steering Committee Guest Speakers Celeste Connors from the Hawaii Local2030 Hub, Lirio Marquez from the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust, Suzanne MacDonald from Island Institute, and Dr. Austin Shelton from University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability & Sea Grant offered their insights on the CSIN Policy Recommendations and shared inspiring stories of island initiatives around building climate resilience. Watch the Virtual Briefing here.
3rd Climate Change in the Caribbean Conference: Promoting Climate Justice and Climate Resiliency in USVI & Puerto Rico
April 19-20, 2022 - Virtual
Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands have unique historical, geographic, ecological, social, and cultural dynamics. They face climate challenges that require science-based, locally-driven, culturally-informed solutions. This conference gathered leaders in government, business, society, and nonprofits to share insights, support, experiences, and solutions to the immediate and urgent challenges posed to island communities by climate change. Speakers addressed the shared priorities to save lives, protect economies and the environment, and sustain livable communities, as well as measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build back better in a more sustainable, healthy, equitable and resilient way.
Climate Strong Islands Network Spring Gathering
March 23, 2022 - Virtual
The Spring Gathering took place virtually on March 23rd from 6-7 p.m. EDT. During this one-hour briefing, High Street Strategies presented the National Policy Framework to our broader CSIN audience. Following the presentation was a discussion session from 7-7:30 p.m. EDT for participants to share their feedback and additional resources. The National Policy Framework is now available to download in both English and Spanish. Watch the full video here.
Climate Strong Islands Network Gathering #5
September 23, 2021 - Virtual
The Climate Strong Islands Network (CSIN) biannual gathering, held virtually during Climate Week - NYC 2021.
During this online convening, we learned about and celebrated stories from the Governor of Guam and organizations from Vieques, Puerto Rico and the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, Alaska as well as had an interactive attendee discussion session to gain feedback on several key policy areas that CSIN will address through our National Policy Framework. Watch the gathering video here.
Climate Strong Islands Network Gathering #4
March, 2021 - Virtual
The fourth convening of the Climate Strong Islands Network was held virtually and showcase the climate leaders within the Biden Administration as well as local member projects including St. Croix.
Climate Strong Islands Network Gathering #3
September, 2020 - Virtual
The third convening of the Climate Strong Islands Network was held virtually during Climate Week NYC. Featured presentations included highlights of the newly created Local 2030 Islands Network, Guam Green Growth, and Aloha Challenge.
Climate Strong Islands Network Gathering #1
September, 2019 - New York, NY
The inaugural gathering of the Climate Strong Islands Dialogue, hosted by the New York Community Trust.